- YGO 25th Anniversary Tin Dueling Mirrors
- YGO 25th Anniversary Rarity Collection II
- Wild Survivors
- Valiant Smashers
- Toon Chaos
- The New Challengers
- The Infinite Forbidden
- The Grand Creators
- The Dark Illusion
- Tactical Masters
- Supreme Darkness
- Starter Deck Legend of the Crystal Beast
- Spirit Warriors
- Soul Fusion
- Shadows In Valhalla
- Secrets of Eternity
- Secret Slayers
- Savage Strike
- Rising Rampage
- Rise of the Duelist
- Raging Tempest
- Rage of the Abyss
- Quarter Century Bonanza
- Power of the Elements
- Photon Hipernova
- Pharaonic Guardian
- Phantom Rage
- Phantom Nightmare
- Pendulum Evolution
- Mystic Fighters
- Movie Pack Secret Edition
- Maze of Millenia
- Maze of Memories
- Maximum Gold El Dorado
- Maximum Gold
- Maximum Crisis
- Magnificent Mavens
- Lightning Overdrive
- Legendary Duelists: Season 2
- Legendary Duelists: Magical Hero
- Legendary Duelists Soulburning Volcano
- Legendary Duelists Season 3
- Legendary Duelists 8 Synchro Strom
- Legendary Duelist White Dragon Abyss
- Legendary Duelist Sisters of the Rose
- Legendary Duelist Season 1
- Legendary Duelist Rage of Ra
- Legendary Duelist Immortal Destiny
- Legendary Duelist Duels From the Deep
- Legacy of Destruction
- Kings Court
- Infinity Chaser
- Ignition Assault
- Hidden Summoners
- Hidden Arsenal Chapter 1
- Ghosts From the Past The 2nd Haunting
- Ghost from the Past
- Genesis Impact
- Generation Force
- Galactic Overlord
- Force of the Breaker
- Flames of Destruction
- Fists of the Gadgets
- Extreme Force
- Eternity Code
- Duelist Saga
- Duelist Revolution
- Duelist Nexus
- Duel Power
- Duel Overload
- Duel Devastator
- Dimension of Chaos
- Dimension Force
- Dawn of Majesty
- Darkwing Blast
- Dark Saviors
- Dark Neostorm
- Dark Crisis
- Cyberstorm Access
- Cybernetic Revolution
- Cybernetic Horizon
- Cyberdark Impact
- Crossroad of Chaos
- Crossover Breakers
- Crossed Souls
- Crimson Crisis
- Cosmo Blazer
- Code of the Duelist
- Clash of Rebellions
- Circuit Break
- Chaos Impact
- Burst of Destiny
- Brothers of Legend
- Breakers of Shadow
- Blue-Eyes White Destiny Structure Deck
- Blazing Vortex
- Beware of Traptrix Structure Deck
- Battles of Legend: Hero's Revenge
- Battles of Legend: Chapter 1
- Battles of Legend Terminal Revenge
- Battles of Legend Lights Revenge
- Battles of Legend Crystal Revenge
- Battles of Legend Armageddon
- Battle of Legends Mounstros Revenge
- Battle of Chaos
- Ancient Sanctuary
- Ancient Prophecy
- Ancient Gurdians
- Amazing Defenders
- Albaz Strike Structure Deck
- Age of Overlord
- Advent Calendar 2018
- Abyss Rising
- Absolute Powerforce
- 25th Anniversary Rarity Collection
- 2023 25th Anniversary Tin
- 2022 Tin of the Pharaohs Gods Mega Pack
- 2021 Tin of Ancient Battles
- 2020 Tin of Lost Memories
- 2019 Gold Sarcophagus Mega Pack
- MenúVolver
- 2019 Gold Sarcophagus Mega Pack
- 2020 Tin of Lost Memories
- 2021 Tin of Ancient Battles
- 2022 Tin of the Pharaohs Gods Mega Pack
- 2023 25th Anniversary Tin
- 25th Anniversary Rarity Collection
- Absolute Powerforce
- Abyss Rising
- Advent Calendar 2018
- Age of Overlord
- Albaz Strike Structure Deck
- Amazing Defenders
- Ancient Gurdians
- Ancient Prophecy
- Ancient Sanctuary
- Battle of Chaos
- Battle of Legends Mounstros Revenge
- Battle Pack: Epic Dawn
- Battles of Legend Armageddon
- Battles of Legend Crystal Revenge
- Battles of Legend Lights Revenge
- Battles of Legend Terminal Revenge
- Battles of Legend: Chapter 1
- Battles of Legend: Hero's Revenge
- Beware of Traptrix Structure Deck
- Blazing Vortex
- Blue-Eyes White Destiny Structure Deck
- Breakers of Shadow
- Brothers of Legend
- Burst of Destiny
- Chaos Impact
- Circuit Break
- Clash of Rebellions
- Code of the Duelist
- Cosmo Blazer
- Crimson Crisis
- Crossed Souls
- Crossover Breakers
- Crossroad of Chaos
- Cyberdark Impact
- Cybernetic Horizon
- Cybernetic Revolution
- Cyberstorm Access
- Dark Beginnings 1
- Dark Beginnings 2
- Dark Crisis
- Dark Legends
- Dark Neostorm
- Dark Revelations Volume 1
- Dark Revelations Volume 2
- Dark Revelations Volume 3
- Dark Revelations Volume 4
- Dark Saviors
- Darkwing Blast
- Dawn of Majesty
- Dimension Force
- Dimension of Chaos
- Duel Devastator
- Duel Overload
- Duel Power
- Duelist Nexus
- Duelist Revolution
- Duelist Saga
- Elemental Energy
- Enemy of Justice
- Eternity Code
- Exclusive Movie Pack
- Extreme Force
- Extreme Victory
- Fists of the Gadgets
- Flames of Destruction
- Flaming Eternity
- Force of the Breaker
- Galactic Overlord
- Galatic Overlord
- Generation Force
- Genesis Impact
- Ghost from the Past
- Ghosts From the Past The 2nd Haunting
- Gladiator's Assault
- Hidden Arsenal
- Hidden Arsenal 2
- Hidden Arsenal 3
- Hidden Arsenal 4: Trishula's Triumph
- Hidden Arsenal 5: Steelswarm Invasion
- Hidden Arsenal 6: Omega Xyz
- Hidden Arsenal Chapter 1
- Hidden Summoners
- Ignition Assault
- Infinity Chaser
- Invasion of Chaos
- Kings Court
- Labyrinth of Nightmare
- Legacy of Darkness
- Legacy of Destruction
- Legendary Duelist Duels From the Deep
- Legendary Duelist Immortal Destiny
- Legendary Duelist Rage of Ra
- Legendary Duelist Season 1
- Legendary Duelist Sisters of the Rose
- Legendary Duelist White Dragon Abyss
- Legendary Duelists 8 Synchro Strom
- Legendary Duelists Season 3
- Legendary Duelists Soulburning Volcano
- Legendary Duelists: Magical Hero
- Legendary Duelists: Season 2
- Legends of Blue Eyes White Dragon
- Light of Destruction
- Lightning Overdrive
- Magic (Spell) Ruler
- Magician's Force
- Magnificent Mavens
- Maximum Crisis
- Maximum Gold
- Maximum Gold El Dorado
- Maze of Memories
- Maze of Millenia
- Metal Raiders
- Movie Pack Secret Edition
- Mystic Fighters
- Order of Chaos
- Pendulum Evolution
- Phantom Darkness
- Phantom Nightmare
- Phantom Rage
- Pharaoh's Servant
- Pharaonic Guardian
- Photon Hipernova
- Photon Shockwave
- Power of the Duelist
- Power of the Elements
- Premium Pack 1
- Premium Pack 2
- Quarter Century Bonanza
- Ra Yellow Mega-Pack
- Rage of the Abyss
- Raging Battle
- Raging Tempest
- Retro Pack 1
- Retro Pack 2
- Return of the Duelist
- Rise of Destiny
- Rise of the Duelist
- Rising Rampage
- Savage Strike
- Secret Slayers
- Secrets of Eternity
- Shadow of Infinity
- Shadows In Valhalla
- Soul Fusion
- Soul of the Duelist
- Spirit Warriors
- Stardust Overdrive
- Starstrike Blast
- Starter Deck Legend of the Crystal Beast
- Storm of Ragnarok
- Strike of Neos
- Supreme Darkness
- Tactical Evolution
- Tactical Masters
- The Dark Illusion
- The Duelist Genesis
- The Grand Creators
- The Infinite Forbidden
- The Lost Millennium
- The New Challengers
- The Shining Darkness
- Toon Chaos
- Valiant Smashers
- Wild Survivors
- YGO 25th Anniversary Rarity Collection II
- YGO 25th Anniversary Tin Dueling Mirrors
- Yu-Gi-Oh! 3D Bonds Beyond Time Movie Pack
Prismatic Evolutions
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